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My family is the most important thing for me, I have to many kids. I do avipics, i'm not professional, but i like my desings. If you are interested on it, please contact me.♥
My dearest person is L3GH0, he's the only one who made me shine when I was in the deepest hole in my being. This person, who I own to much is the father of my kids xD (just imvu) and one of the best people that i could meet in my entire life. Gabriel, thank you for being the person that makes me smile every morning with just a "good morning", thanks for everything you have done. ♥
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Coletar este Emblema Puppy cup cake â¥
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F. Fuzzy Puppy Ears LilcAnimated Head Piggy🅜 NEKO: tail dog pink🌸 ADD+ Bangs Pinku 02H| Fleco Bags
F. Ripped Knees RL PinkuF. Sweater Heart Pinkusk. eyebrow naturalHD♣BROWS💖 Only Girl For Me
.Morbid Curiosity [MADE]Vurr OC1-900-Scream4meSexy White .HSS.| Goodnight My love
va. smilerz. Blake Shirt+Bag[💋] LoverBoy[💋] CanWeTalkspacer
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