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Avatar desde: 2007-06-10
Age: 62 18+ Edad Verificada Edad Verificada
Estados Unidos - FL
Última conexión:

"Integrity is our one most valuable asset. Our promises and truth define our character."

See My Albums (5)

Welcome to my Homepage. I hope you enjoy my music as well as other features of my virtual universe. I have some very nice products that I have derived. Mostly I derive a product when i cannt find just the right item I want. Feel welcome to browse them and If your looking for adventure and merriment come to my public room, "Sword of Gabriel".

Join us at “The Sword of Gabriel” here

Every item on the ship including the room are my products except dance spots. If noone is aboard just invite your friends and see just how fun the pirate life can be :P. Well enjoy and all my best wishes, always. Bob :)

IMVU Scrolling panels

IMVU Layouts
Estado Civil: Soltero(a)
Buscando Por: Amistad
Mi Sala

Home Sweet Home

Join us at “The Sword of Gabriel”

My public room pirate ship. Come on the adventure:)

Aarrg, put out to sea me mateys!

Mi lista de deseos
Mis Badges
Este usuario no tiene badges disponibles para la concesión automática.
Mis nuevos productos Ver todo
TribulationR Productions

Click Banner to view my TRp products page

My TRp Product Previewer!

A place to preview new stickers and products. See your purchase and have a choice before you buy. Also view my TRp stickers throughout my Hp or follow the "banner" link above to view all of my TRp products in the imvu catalog. :)

Featuring the "ANGELS MIST'

Did you ever see something you wanted but it just wasnt right. The color was wrong, it was too dim or bright for your tastes. Maybe you have a picture of it in your mind and it is perfect but it isn't what is for sale. Me too, so I started deriving and. "Beautiful, the best ship on IMVU Ha!" :)

Photoshop CS3 step by step transparent avy pic guide

TRp Family portraitTRp Gabriel IITRp Back from the grave!
TRp In the beginningSteelers AngelTRp Sweet Dreams Pillow

Just log in and you can chat with me while viewing my HP. The nice feature here is the soft beep that may get my attention when i am not at the comp. Good for when those avy chat glitches get the best of you.:)
Get your own Chat Box! Go Large!

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