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Welcome to my homepage! Hope you enjoy my cosplay, fantasy, roleplay, and modern products I make to satisfy your needs.

Please leave a review on your favorite items! If you have questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to check my FAQ.

To thank you for your support, I give you this free badge at the bottom.

~Sahly ♥

I first made this account as a secondary role play character. Then I abandoned it for some time before it went into full use.

Now, it is exclusively for deriving role play, fantasy, and cosplay items for female (Male items coming soon).

Do you take requests?

Yes I do, but certain restrictions apply;

I take two weeks to make the request (if it is a quality item), but I may also take longer due to real life matters. If you need the quality Item earlier than two weeks, you might want to ask someone else for the job.


• GA and AP outfits
• Furniture
• Recoloring of already existing items in my catalog
• Hairstyles (among other things).


• UFI products
• Avatars
• Skins
• Meshes
• Textures
• Replicas of someone else's textures (The developer that made them deserves respect for their hard work and that would be another form of theft).

NOTE: Taking these requests is strictly dependent of existing meshes (the shell) in the catalog. And ask BEFORE sending your credits, you need to make sure I can take your request first.

How much do you charge for a request?

Prices are depending on the item:

• Catalogue Customs (Items other people can buy):

I Charge 5,000 credits per piece. (ie, if your outfit requires three pieces, then it is 5,000 for each piece for a total of 15,000). The price covers submission and derivation fees that IMVU charges me, and I send it to you as soon as it passes peer review.

• Exclusive requests (Items no one else can have):

I charge 50,000 credits per piece. (ie, if your outfit requires three pieces, then it is 50,000 for each piece for a total of 150,000).
The price covers submission and derivation fees that IMVU charges me, the privilege of setting the item to DISPLAY ONLY so no one else can buy it, and I send it to you as soon as it passes peer review.

*IMPORTANT* Ask BEFORE sending your credits, you need to make sure I can take your request first.

Are you single?

I know where this is going, and I am sorry to burst your bubble, but I am not here to date anyone. I do not mix business with pleasure, and my real life stays out of IMVU.

Can you teach me how to create?

I'm afraid I can't. I am a very busy person and I don't have time to mentor anyone. If you really interest learning how to create, IMVU provides plenty of tutorial resources from which you can take your sweet time to read and learn.

Do you need a model for your products?

Thanks but no thanks, I can do it myself.

I tried to invite you, but you are
in creator mode...

Oh my! I'm surprised you haven't realized that means I'm busy deriving -_-

Next question!

Can you make me a texture for
a product I am deriving?

Sorry but no. I am too busy for that. On that note, all of my products and textures are DMCA protected, so it is useless to try and steal from me.

You don't accept my invites,
I will not support you anymore...

If that's how you feel, then good! I will not loose sleep over it because you did me a favor in taking youself out of my list for me.

IMVU is not the only thing I do, even though it might seem that way at times. Just like you, I have a life outside of my computer that will ALWAYS be priority. If I miss an invite of yours, chances are I am multitasking to create products for your enjoyment or away from my computer, in an equally important task. I'm not ignoring you on purpose, keep this in mind before insulting me.

If it's a life threatening matter or a request, inbox me respectfully and you will get the same courtesy in return. Remember that Customer does NOT equal owner, even if you buy my entire catalog. I know my rights and my time is mine to spend as I will.

My friends will be expected to know better.

Can you gift me credits or products?

I can do better than that, I can tell you where the nearest Walmart is so you can get yourself a prepaid card. I work hard for my credits, so will you.

Can I add you as a friend?

No offense, but I like to get to know people before I add them. If you are asking this, I probably just met you and I don't add people I just met.

Also, just because your friend, significant someone, or relative is in my buddy list, doesn't mean that I should add you too without knowing you. I am very selective with friends here.

Same way (in the case of those already in), if you are at odds with someone in my list, it doesn't mean I have to block them for you. Your enemies are yours, not mine, and I don't drop friends unless they mess with me directly. Trying to coax me into doing so will only result in your own blocking. Only I decide who my friends are, not the other way around.

Thanks for reading, hope you can understand.

-Sahly ♥


More are added weekly, so stay tuned!

(Click on the banners to visit my shops)


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